Elementary School

Three to five years after graduation from Grade 6, the alumni are expected to:

  1. Demonstrate impressive communicative competence in both oral and written forms;
  2. Be actively engaged in research, academic and non-academic events and activities,
    demonstrating commendable abilities and performance;
  3. Demonstrate commendable abilities and performance as they actively engage in research,
    academic and non-academic events and activities
  4. Be responsible and service-oriented school leaders in the secondary education, and in their
    respective communities.
  5. Be exemplars of well-disciplined and good-mannered students of secondary education;
  6. Be actively involved in school and community programs and activities that are geared toward
    the promotion of cultural identity, wellness and lifelong fitness, and the preservation of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How about school service?

Yes, there are school service provider available in some places in Baguio City. The school will provide the details of the information during the pupils and parents’ orientation on August 9-1 2022. For those who would like to avail of the school service, please email us at [email protected] for the contact info, parent’s complete name & address so we can coordinate with the service providers.

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Does the school require the pupil to wear a uniform?

Yes. The school requires all pupils to wear the school uniform both in an online and face-to-face classes. Old and new set of uniform and PE uniform are already available in the property office. For those who opted to attend in an online classes, proper attire is highly encouraged.

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How are the assessments performed?

Assessments are done through a variety of formats; there are quizzes, tests, discussions, and assignments. Pupils will accomplish all assessments during face-to-face classes. For pupils who are online, they are required to appear on video to take the assessments on a Hyflex mode. Hyflex means that pupils who are attending online will join the assessment synchronously with those attending face-to-face classes.

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How are the lessons delivered?

Lessons are delivered using Google Workspace through the use of the Google Classroom, Gmail and fb messenger group chat. Some examples of delivery are online discussion through Zoom or Google Meet, videos, PowerPoint presentations accompanied by teacher voiceover, interactive labs and models, external websites, online articles, discussion forums, along with other interactive tools.

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