March 9-10, 2024 – The University of Baguio Laboratory Elementary School (UBLES) recently held the honor of hosting this year’s National Battle of Math and Science Champions, a competition geared towards showcasing bright young minds from across the country. In cooperation with the organizers, the Association of Science and Mathematics Educators of Philippine Private Schools (ASMEPPS), the event took place on March 9 and 10 at the UB Campus.
A total of one hundred and eighty (180) schools from different parts of the Philippines participated in the event, competing in a wide range of contests and activities involving everything from Mathematics and Science Quiz Bees to Creative Writing and Research. The active participation of such a large number of students highlights the keen enthusiasm of the Filipino youth for learning Math and Science, underscoring the importance of a holistic education that puts equal emphasis on all subjects.
The UBLES students put on a brilliant display of skill and knowledge, garnering winning spots and finalist rankings alongside fellow students from other competing schools. Apart from nurturing the spirit of learning, the event also fostered camaraderie among the different participants, encouraging them to socialize with each other and to share in the passion of discovery through Math and Science.
The UBLES Principal and school staff expressed their sincerest appreciation towards ASMEPPS for giving the school the chance to host such a prestigious event. The teachers, parents, and coaches of the school were commended for the hard work and dedication they put forward to ensure that the event was a success. Without the different parts of the working committee and the participants and their support systems, the event would not have turned out as successful as it did.
Though the event may be over now, it has managed to touch the lives of many students, making a positive impact on their academic journey. UBLES hopes to continue bringing more opportunities for learning and interacting with their peers to its students, ensuring that they are able to experience a diverse array of activities that will help them to grow and develop the necessary skills that will help them navigate life with ease.